Terms and Conditions
You must accept the following Terms of Use:
1 - Do not copy content from any source without the permission of the content owners.
2 - Do not create content related to sex, nudity, products on the list of prohibited trade and use and violating the law.
3 - You are responsible for and take action for the products you trade. We will disclaim responsibility if your product has legal problems from your side.
4 - For violations of the law, we will have the right to delete the product and notify you in advance, if the behavior is repeated, the account and contract will be unilaterally terminated.
5 - For service package subscription contracts, our paid packages cannot be refunded while your service is still active, we can only refund under the condition that the server is down and will be notified to you in advance if an error occurs from the server.
6 - In case the software may have errors that cause data loss in a short time, we are not responsible for any arising problems and compensation. We will fix the software errors and please contact us to restore data or fix errors caused by the software.